I served in the Royal Navy in 1952 for a twelve-year engagement, and more recently, I was put in touch with the Hub. Before getting involved in the Hub, I was alone and isolated in Upwood since my dear wife Jean died, and I want to mention the ways and especially Jeff have helped me by:
Being friendly – helping to sort out problems with utilities companies (water, gas, electricity). Helping with some phone calls, such as hospital because I have problems hearing on the phone. Helping with getting hearing aids.
Talking with you about managing on a day-to-day basis, and thinking about the future!
Liaising with other family members such as my daughter, who lives on the other side of the country.
And a special mention to the Hub, how it has given me a social outlet, and a chance to play chess. The weekly meetings, the Breakfast Club, how well organised it is. And of course, Dave Richardson, and John Smith have helped by giving me lifts to and from the Hub, and also to other places, like the doctors and the dentists.
And finally, I want to express gratitude to all involved, and to the organisation as a whole. It has been a life-line from me. It is “A Happy Hub”.