
About The March Armed Forces & Veterans Hub


Who can attend ?

Members of the Armed Forces Community, Members of the Blue Light Service Community and Members of HM Prison Service Community


In some circumstances, members of the Armed Forces Community do not realise they are members and this can stop them from reaching out for support.

This could be someone who did National Service, didn’t complete Basic Training or a spouse or civil partner of a veteran amongst others.
Individuals currently serving as members of the Naval Service (including the Royal Navy and Royal Marines), Army or Royal Air Force.

Volunteer Reservists, who form the Royal Naval Reserve, Royal Marine Reserve, Army Reserve and the Royal Auxiliary Air Force and Regular Reservists.

Those that have served at least one day in HM Armed Forces, whether as a regular or reservist.
Their Families
The immediate family of the categories listed above. This is defined as spouses, civil partners and children for whom they are responsible, but can extend to parents, unmarried partners and other family members.
The Bereaved
The immediate family of Service Personnel and veterans who have died, whether or not that death is Service related.
Adult Cadet Instructors
Adult Instructors that support Army, Navy, RM or Air Cadet Forces.
Merchant Navy & UK Fishing Fleets
The Merchant Navy and UK fishing fleets have always been called upon to provide support to both the UK Armed Forces and the Nation during wartime, other hostilities and military operations.

Come and join us for a game of darts, cards or chess…

or borrow a book from our extensive library

The hub provides a chance to meet other like minded members of the Armed Forces Community plus free Tea & Coffee*, a great Lunch/ Bar Menu (See Café Menu: Cassanos Restaurant) and support if needed

*Donations to the brew fund are always welcome